Okay guys! Now that the chaos of my co-conspirator has ended, I can finally write these things on my own!
-I'm not entirely sure of that!
The hell?! WILSON?!
-Damn straight! I'm Ghost Wilson now!
Son of a---
-HEY! Censors!
-That's just about right... Please enjoy our latest issue faithful readers!!!
-Co-creators Tim Ruppenthal and Ghost Richard Wilson III
Spider-Man and ALL related characters are owned by Marvel Comics and Disney respectively
All original characters were created for the purposes of fan fiction. This is in NO WAY connected to Marvel Comics or the ongoing Scarlet Spider title produced by Marvel.
Batman and ALL related characters are owned by DC Comics and Warner Bros. respectively
All original characters were created for the purposes of fan fiction. This is in NO WAY connected to DC Comics or the ongoing Batman titles produced by DC.
Batman and ALL related characters are owned by DC Comics and Warner Bros. respectively
All original characters were created for the purposes of fan fiction. This is in NO WAY connected to DC Comics or the ongoing Batman titles produced by DC.
Scarlet Spider
Issue 14
A Thing to Fear
Part 1
Gotham Harbor, the DC Universe , 8:45 PM
(A ferry makes its way towards the Wayne/Stark Interdimensional Portal)
Captain: Making final approach to MU NYC Portal; please fasten seat belts for the transition
(Cut to the cargo hold, with crew members screaming bloody murder)
(The boat crosses through the portal, as a mist makes its way into the ventilation shafts)
Queens, the Marvel Universe 8:45 PM
(Ben swings through the streets, his first solo patrol in quite a row)
Ben: (internal) Feels good to have a night to myself again. Love Connor to death. But that kid is crazy.
(Ben lands atop a lamp post)
Ben: (internal) Quiet night, not even any gangs prowling around. Thats pretty odd...
(In an alley a block away)
Random Guy: AUGH! MY GOD!!!
Ben: (internal) There we go...
(Ben leaps into the air and swings fast to the alley, spinning out of the swing and landing on the wall)
Ben: Hey! Sir! You in there?
Random Guy: Augh! AH! AHHHHHHHH!
(The man drops to the ground clutching his chest)
(Ben's eyes widen and he jumps to the mans side)
Ben: Holy shit! Do you need the hospital?! Deep breaths okay? You're gonna be okay!
Ben: What the hell did you do?!
Shadowed Figure (Stepping from the shadows): I showed him the truth; much like I'm doing to you
(Seeing a living Scarecrow, Ben's taken aback as he's hit in the face with a cloud of gas)
(Ben coughs hard)
Ben: What the hell was that for?
(Getting kicked in the head by the Scarecrow)
Scarecrow: TRUTH!
(Ben flies back and feels his nose)
Ben: Ow..
(Ben looks up, the freak is gone.)
Ben: The guy!
(Ben turns to see...nothing)
Ben: The hell...?
(Ben pulls the hood low and pulls his mask up, checking his nose)
Ben: So the perp and the victim disappear...and I get the silver lining of having my nose not broken. I miss the quiet night
(Ben pulls the mask down and jumps back into the air, swinging away)
(From the nearby sewer grate)
Scarecrow: Hehehe....
Our Lady of Saints Church, 8:57 PM
(Ben is sitting atop Our lady of Saints, his mask off.)
Ben: What the hell did that guy get all over my mask? It smells disgusting.
Ben(Cont.): Ah well, there's nothing I can do about it now, and I can't be swinging around without it!
(Ben pulls the mask on.)
Ben: Huh...this place is actually kinda peaceful.
(Ben swings out over the city, hoping to continue his patrol)
Ben: Well, in the eerie church way
Ben breathes through his mouth, trying not to smell the rancid mask as he lands on a light pole outside a hospital)
Woman's Voice: Benjy...
Ben: Huh? What the hell?
(Lands on the rooftop)
Ben: Someone up here?
Woman's Voice: Benjy, why couldn't you save me?
Ben: Mom...?
Man's Voice: I thought you promised me you would keep her safe?
Ben: I..What?
Man's voice: So much for making your old man proud...
Ben: Dad? Mom!?
Voices Together: You let us die.
Rooftops of Queens, 8:57 PM
(Connor goes off swinging through the night, looking for Ben)
Connor: School and homework both suck! I almost completely missed patrol! Now I have to look for him!
(Connor swings past our lady of saints, looking for any sign of ben)
Connor: Man where is he? He didn't answer his phone...
(See's a body in an alley)
Connor: Holy crap!
(Connor swings down into the alley, and checks the man's pulse)
Connor: Oh crap!
(Connor picks the man up and carries him to a familiar hospital, dropping him off in the ER before swinging away)
Connor: Jeez! What a way to start patrol!
Connor(cont.): I've gotta see of there was anything in that alley...
(Connor swings back to the alley where he found the man's body, and begins searching)
Connor: Lets see what we can find here... Beer cans, a yellow stain on the wall... What have we here?
(Connor's Spider Sense goes off as a gloved hand reaches from the shadows and grabs Connor by the neck)
Batman: Where is she!?
To Be Continued...