Sunday, April 29, 2012

Welcome back! Today we continue our story from issue 1, where we left Ben Reilly Jr. and our mysterious dual protagonist Connor about to engage in pitched combat for the honor if their respective high school classes!
-Co-creator Richard Wilson III
Spider-Man and ALL related characters are owned by Marvel Comics and Stan Lee respectively
All original characters were created for the purposes of fan fiction. This is in NO WAY connected to Marvel Comics or the ongoing Scarlet Spider title produced by Marvel.
Scarlet Spider

Issue 2
Something New, With a Twist
                  Part 2
The Other Guy

By: Tim Ruppenthal and Richard Wilson III

Midtown High School, 7:53 AM
(Ben Reilly Jr. and Connor Parker are seen in the center of a circle of students)
Connor: “What’s wrong? Don’t you wanna get your ass kicked by a puny underclassman?”
Ben: “Fine! Let’s do it your way!”
(Ben and Connor both leap towards each other, fists raised and ready for a fight)
Wilson: “Don’t hurt him too badly Ben!”
(Ben and Connor are engaging in some Spider-Powered melee)
Ben (internal): “How the hell is he moving that fast?”
Connor (internal): “He has powers too?”
(Ben goes to punch Connor, his Spider Sense finally decided to awaken and causes Ben’s to overload painfully)
Ben: “AH!”
(Ben falls over and rolls into a crouch as Wilson comes to break the two of them up)

Wilson: "Alright, we're done here Ben... How about we let the underclassman go?"
Ben: “Yeah, let’s do that”
(The two walk away and Wilson leans close into Ben)
Wilson: "So what was that back there? It was like some karate match from the Karate Kid Part 2 Reboot"
Ben: (still thinking about the way Connor fought) “Uh... yeah. Karate, well more like kung fu”
Wilson: "Well, that aside, thanks to you I lost $20 BEFORE you even got here, and that fight cost me even more... (Mockingly) I hope you're happy"
Ben: (sarcastically) “Thanks for the concern Wilson
Wilson: "You know me, the manager of the Midtown Bank of Concern... So how about we go and get ready for that Algebra Quiz?"
Ben: “You means a physics quiz, right?”
Wilson: "We have an Algebra Quiz too, Einstein"
Ben: “GAH!”

Midtown High School, 3:23 PM
(Ben and Wilson walk out of Midtown, both looking physically exhausted)
Wilson: "How about that? A test, a quiz AND the rope climb... What are the odds?"
Ben: “Ugh I know, at least I kicked your trust-funded ass at all three
Wilson: "That may be true, but I SHALL WIN THE WAR!"
Ben: “Sure Wilson, whatever you say; I’ll be seeing you”
Wilson: "Later Ben"
(Ben walks down the street and cuts into an alley, changing into Scarlet Spider and begins swinging to his dwelling)

The Parker Family Apartment, 3:56 PM
(Connor walks into his family apartment and sees his parents, Mayday Parker and Wesley “Wes” Collins-Parker [he took his wife’s name], in the living room watching the Daily Bugle Network)
Connor: "Hey Mom, hey Dad"
Mayday: "Hey there Connor, how was your day?"
Connor: “It was alright. Some jerk senior named Ben tried to give me some trouble”
Wesley: "You didn't hurt him did you?"
Connor: “Not at all. I couldn’t even touch him for some reason”
Mayday: "That's weird"
Connor: “Yeah it was. Almost like he had powers too”
Wesley: "It's not unheard of, with the things I hear around the office"
Connor: “Right; what do you guys think about this new guy Scarlet Spider?”
Mayday: "Scarlet Spider? I haven't heard that name in years..."
Connor: “There’ve been OTHER ones?”
Wesley: “The SHIELD Mainframe says that there's been at least 3, but there might be some holes"
Connor: “Does SHIELD have anything on this one?”
Wesley: "Only that he exists, but you can ask your Grandpa if you want to know about the original"
Connor: "Grandpa's coming over for dinner?"
Mayday: "Surprise!"
Connor: AWESOME!
(Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson-Parker walk through the door)
Peter: "GREETINGS true-believers!"
Mary Jane: "Hi honey"
Connor: Grandpa! Grandma!
(Connor hugs his grandparents and begins to ask them about their day)

The Parker Family Dinner Table, 5:39 PM 
Connor: "Grandpa, what do you know about the Scarlet Spider?"
Peter: "Scarlet Spider? I haven't heard that name in a very long time... But he was just as good of a webslinger as I was, and a few people decided to take after him, rather than moi"
Connor: “Really? But you were around longer!”
Peter: "I know, that was my reaction too, but he deserves the recognition… the original was a dear friend of mine"
Connor: "What do you think of the newest one?"
Peter: "As long as he upholds the values and morals of the original, he's alright in my book"
Connor: “You think the Bugle is EVER going to get a good enough picture of him?”
Peter: "It's all touch and go nowadays without Jonah, Robbie and all the rest no longer around, but it's possible"

Abandoned Meth Lab, 5:39 PM
(Ben pulls on his jeans, shoes and coat to hide his hoodie, trying to keep warm despite the chill of the evening)
Ben (internal): “Well that was a productive patrol… Glad I helped out that old couple though”
(Ben slides into an abandoned meth lab, carefully closing the door, fixing the CONDEMNED sign so it looks undisturbed)
Ben: “Well… no place like home…”
(Ben looks around his dwelling, consisting of an old futon cushion, old newspapers, a small furnace, a single bowl, a plastic spoon and a box of cereal. Ben starts up the furnace, shoving some of the old newspapers inside for fuel, eats and finishes the box cereal, all the while doing his homework and waiting to see if Wilson would call)
Ben (internal): "Well, that was just as productive as my patrol… not much got done, except for running out of cereal, of course, and I don't think that I have enough money for more..."
(Ben slips outside of the building with his school bag as a $100 flutters down from the sky in front of his face)
Ben: "What the hell?" 
(He looks up and sees a giant man in a bird suit flying above him with sacks of money dangling from his arms)
Ben: "A giant bird man? Really?"
(Ben grabs the $100, pockets it, and runs into the alley and changes into his costume)
Ben (Internal): “Sue me New York, I need to eat too”
Ben (to Vulture): "Hey! Bird Guy! Aren't you a little too 1960's for this generation?"
Vulture: "What the hell?"
(Ben flips onto Vulure’s back)
Ben: I cant believe I’m gonna say this... but time to fly south bird brain!
Vulture: "You first!" 
(Vulture activates an electricity generator and electrocutes Ben and throws him into an air conditioning unit on top of a building)
Ben: “ARGH”
(Vulture activates his electricity generator to energize his wings and dives towards Ben, who struggles to get out of the broken air conditioning unit)
Vulture: “Dodge this you scarlet speck!”
(Ben groans as he attempts to move out of the way of the Vulture’s attack…)
To Be Continued…

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Hard to believe, but the story has only just begun! Yesterday we told the history of Benjamin Reilly Jr., from his birth to his meeting with Wilson Stark, son of the Invincible Iron Man! Now we continue on the journey of his life in Scarlet Spider Issue 1!

-Co-creator Richard Wilson III

Spider-Man and ALL related characters are owned by Marvel Comics and Stan Lee respectively
All original characters were created for the purposes of fan fiction. This is in NO WAY connected to Marvel Comics or the ongoing Scarlet Spider title produced by Marvel.

Scarlet Spider

      Issue 1

Something New, With a Twist

                  Part 1

By: Tim Ruppenthal and Richard Wilson III

NYC Sidewalk, 7:30 AM
(We pull into Wilson Stark and Ben Reilly Jr. walking to Midtown High School while talking about Wilson's most recent fling)
Ben: Wilson, are you ever going to settle down?
Wilson: "Maybe, but I wouldn't count on it"
Ben: “<Sigh...>”
Wilson: "What about you? You're quite popular yourself when it comes to the ladies... You EVER going to get one on your own, or are you just going to mooch off of me all the time?"
Ben: “Please, if anyone mooches here it’s you my trust funded friend (sarcastic smirk). I’ll let my love life grow how it will”
(internal): "Really? Right now?"
(To Wilson) "Hey, I'd love to finish this conversation and all, but I just saw some girls I used to hang with and I think you'll appreciate me not "mooching" off you on our way into school"
Wilson: "Ha! Alright there, I'll enjoy beating you on the Physics Test when you don't show"
Ben: "I'll be back LONG before then! JERK!"
(Ben turns and "swags" away from Wilson until Wilson turns his back then he sprints into an alley)
Ben (internal): "I hate lying to Wilson, but it can't be helped... I like my civies as much as the next guy, but sometimes, the hoodie is more comfortable, and closer to home"
(Ben leaps out of the alleyway and shoots a webline, revealing the SCARLET SPIDER to the reader)
(External) "Time to see what caused my spider-sense to flare!"
(cross panel with a SWIIISH lands on a lamppost)
Scarlet Spider: “Hm, what do we have here?”

Jewelry Store, Several Blocks Away, 7:35 AM
Robber 1: "Alright! We gotta get out of here before the cops show!"
Robber 2: "What's the rush? I thought you brought Shocker Tech with you"
Robber 1: "I did... I just can't guarantee it'll work"
Scarlet Spider: "Excuse me; I’m really happy for you…I’ll let you finish, but Shocker was one of the WORST VILLAINS OF ALL TIME!"
Robber 1: Spider-man!?
Scarlet Spider: "EVERY TIME! I mean SERIOUSLY, Spider-Man NEVER had the amount of swag I've got! I'm the SCARLET SPIDER! See? Scarlet body suit? Spider logo? Nothing?"
Scarlet Spider: Spider-man ALSO would have more TIME on his hands for this nonsense (jumps into the fray)
(Spin kicks and throws the second robber back into the store and sees the clock)
Scarlet Spider: "Time is just NOT on my side today!"
Robber 1: "I GOT HIM!" (Pulls out Shocker gauntlets and points them at Scarlet Spider, but nothing happens)
Scarlet Spider: "Seriously? That's it?" You guys thought that 20 year old tech, from a quilted northern style villain, would still work? (webs them up and hangs them from a lamp post) i knew you’d see it my way
Ben (internal): "Now that we've gotten that taken care of, I can go beat Wilson at what he knows best"

A Block and a Half Away 7:38 AM
(Ben swings over a walking Connor Parker)
Connor: “Now that’s something you don’t see everyday…”
(Connor runs into the alleyway and wallcrawls to the rooftop to follow the Scarlet Spider)
“Hey! Come on! HEY!!”
(The Scarlet Spider disappears from view)
“Damn… I wish I had webs… I gotta get to school”

Midtown High School, 7:52 AM 
(Ben comes running down the street and accidentally bumps into Connor and knocks him over)
Ben: "Sorry kid"
Connor: "How about you watch where you're going next time, jerk"
Ben: “Whoa, calm down kid, it was an accident”
Connor:  “That’s the third time in a week you’ve done that! Why don’t you come off that high and mighty upperclassman pedestal and finally hit me already!”
(A crowd begins to form around the two)
Ben: “Walk away now and we won’t have a problem here”
Random high school Jock (To Wilson): “$20 bucks the kid flattens Ben”
Wilson: “You’re on”
Connor: “What’s wrong? Don’t you wanna get your ass kicked by a puny underclassman?”
Ben: “Fine! Let’s do it your way!”
(Ben and Connor both leap towards each other, fists raised and ready for a fight)


Monday, April 16, 2012

After months of waiting, after weeks of confirmation... It has ARRIVED! Featuring Ben Reilly Jr., the son of the original Scarlet Spider, and the origins of his adventures, we give you SCARLET SPIDER ISSUE 0!
-Co-creator Richard Wilson III
Spider-Man and ALL related characters are owned by Marvel Comics and Stan Lee respectively

Scarlet Spider

Issue 0


By: Tim Ruppenthal and Richard Wilson III



Spider-Man and ALL related characters are owned by Marvel Comics and Stan Lee respectively
All original characters were created for the purposes of fan fiction. This is in NO WAY connected to Marvel Comics or the ongoing Scarlet Spider title produced by Marvel. 

JUNE 19, 2013

(Two parents hold and admire their newborn son)
Anna: “Aw Ben, he’s beautiful”
Ben Sr.: “More than me? But that’s impossible!”
Anna: “Nothing’s impossible smartass”
Ben Sr.: “True, but I digress… What are we going to name him?”
Anna: “Funny that you mention it, because I was thinking we could name him ‘Ben’, for the crazy guy that made him possible”
Ben Sr.: “Very well then, Benjamin Reilly Jr. it is…”


      [Ben is 5 years old]

(Ben, Little Ben, and Anna all walk away from the local baseball stadium)
Little Ben: “It sucks that they lost”
Anna: “Don’t say ‘sucks’, but you had fun though right?”
Little Ben: “Yeah”
Ben Sr.: “Cheer up little buddy, they’ll win next year. Wanna go and get some ice cream?”
Little Ben: “Sure!”
(Ben Sr. and Little Ben both sense danger nearby)
Little Ben: "Daddy..."
Ben Sr.: "I feel it too little buddy... Honey, I gotta run"
Anna: "Go, and be careful"
Ben Sr.: "Aren't I always?"
Little Ben: "Go get him Daddy!"
Ben Sr.: "Will do, champ. Keep Mommy safe till I get back, ok?
Little Ben: "Ok"
(As he swings away)
Little Ben: “Mommy...Daddy’s gonna be okay, right?”
Anna: "Of course dear, Daddy's going to be fine" 
(Looks away, worried)
Anna (to herself): "He'll be fine..."

A few hours later

(Ben Jr. running through the streets turning erratically)
Ben Jr: “Mommy, mommy! It’s this way!”
[Spider Sense flares again]
Noooooooo it’s that way!
(Ben runs towards the alley chased by his mother)
Anna: “Benjy no!”
(They reach the end of the alley where they see a building engulfed in flames, with SCARLET SPIDER fighting a CLOAKED FIGURE)
Little Ben: "Mommy, I see him!"
Anna: "Oh, dear Lord in Heaven..."
Little Ben: "Daddy's going to be alright, he ALWAYS beats the bad guys!"
Anna: "Always..."
(EXPLOSION from where Scarlet Spider was fighting the Cloaked Figure)
Anna: "BEN!"
Little Ben (in a small voice): "Daddy...?"
(The Scarlet Spider's hoodie [now with a cut running from the right shoulder across the Spider Symbol] flutters from where he was prior to the explosion, and lands within young Ben Reilly Jr.'s hands)
Anna (small voice, in denial): "No... NO!"
Little Ben: "Dad? DAD!"
(Pull away to see a Mother and Son, crying into the damaged, tattered hoodie, that remains of their beloved husband and father)


[Ben is 9 years old]

(It is the Anniversary of Ben Sr.'s death and Ben is crying in his room holding the hoodie)
Anna: "Benjy, honey, I know what day it is, and I KNOW your upset, but you need to go to school"
Ben Jr.: "I know, but I MISS him."
Anna: "I miss him too, but I want you to remember something."
Ben Jr.: "What?"
Anna: "Your father and I had a mantra, or a saying: To live your life without regrets, and that you can't let your decisions control how you live your life. That means that your father never regretted any of the heroic deeds he did, like how I would never regret being your mother. Even though he's not here physically, he is a part of us, and can never be taken away, no matter what happens, ok?"
Ben Jr.: "Ok, mommy... Does that mean I still have to go to school?"
Anna: <Playful Sigh> "Yes, honey it does."
Ben: Okay...
(As she leaves the room we see Ben pull the hoodie on looking in the mirror as it falls down to his knees)
Ben: “’No regrets’… I’m gonna make you proud dad… Someday…”
(Ben, on his way to school, sees his mother's EMT Ambulance fly by and decides to run after it instead of going to school. He runs into an alley and climbs up the building ferociously trying to keep up with the ambulance. He sees a fire from a nearby tenement building and see's the ambulance in front of it. He pushes his way to the front of the gathered crowd and sees a CLOAKED MAN in the crowd across the way, when another EXPLOSION collapses the front of the building, and Anna Reilly stumbles out clutching a baby and collapses. Ben runs from the crowd to his mother)
Anna: "Ben...?"
Ben Jr.: "Mom, I'm here!"
Anna: "Remember: No regrets..."
Ben Jr.: "Mom? MOM!"
(Ben begins crying and clutching his mother's body as the other EMTs attempt to take him away to bag Anna's body. Ben looks up to see the Cloaked Man has vanished)


[Ben is 14 years old]

(Ben Reilly Jr. is seen running out of a corner supermarket holding a bag)
Store owner: GET THAT KID!
Ben: Crap, crap, crap, crap, CRAP!
(Runs into a cop)
Ben: "OW!"
Cop: "Watch where you’re going!"
Store Owner (running towards them): "That kid didn't pay for his stuff!"
Ben: "SHIT!"
(Ben runs into the alley)
Cop: "STOP!"
(Store Owner and Cop enter the dead end alley to find it empty and give up, while Ben looks down from the roof above)
Ben: “Man, you gotta love that spider agility, but I GOTTA do something about the webs, they're too gooey to be useful... Maybe in a few years or so."


Ben (swinging from a webline): "YAHOO!"
(Jumps from the webline mid arc and flips to the ground)
Damn I’m good!
(Sees kid being mugged on the corner)
Ben: "I see two idiots hitting on a guy that looks like he stepped out of a James Bond movie... So, I'm guessing that you two want to be the next Bond Girls, right?"
(Ben dodges their punches and knocks them onto the pavement, causing them to turn tale and run away)
Ben: "Schmucks..."
Guy: "Thanks, but you know I could have kicked their asses myself..."
Ben: "You could have, but then I wouldn't get to be a hero."
Guy: "Too true... The name's Wilson by the way."
Ben: "I'm Ben."
Wilson: "Well, thanks for saving my life Ben, want to go get a pizza?"
Ben: "Pizza with a guy you barely know? You do this often?"
Wilson: "Normally with girls, but this is an exception."
Ben: "What kind of girls are we talking about?"
Wilson: “Follow me and you’ll see…”
(Both Ben and Wilson walk off into the city night as friends)