Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Hard to believe, but the story has only just begun! Yesterday we told the history of Benjamin Reilly Jr., from his birth to his meeting with Wilson Stark, son of the Invincible Iron Man! Now we continue on the journey of his life in Scarlet Spider Issue 1!

-Co-creator Richard Wilson III

Spider-Man and ALL related characters are owned by Marvel Comics and Stan Lee respectively
All original characters were created for the purposes of fan fiction. This is in NO WAY connected to Marvel Comics or the ongoing Scarlet Spider title produced by Marvel.

Scarlet Spider

      Issue 1

Something New, With a Twist

                  Part 1

By: Tim Ruppenthal and Richard Wilson III

NYC Sidewalk, 7:30 AM
(We pull into Wilson Stark and Ben Reilly Jr. walking to Midtown High School while talking about Wilson's most recent fling)
Ben: Wilson, are you ever going to settle down?
Wilson: "Maybe, but I wouldn't count on it"
Ben: “<Sigh...>”
Wilson: "What about you? You're quite popular yourself when it comes to the ladies... You EVER going to get one on your own, or are you just going to mooch off of me all the time?"
Ben: “Please, if anyone mooches here it’s you my trust funded friend (sarcastic smirk). I’ll let my love life grow how it will”
(internal): "Really? Right now?"
(To Wilson) "Hey, I'd love to finish this conversation and all, but I just saw some girls I used to hang with and I think you'll appreciate me not "mooching" off you on our way into school"
Wilson: "Ha! Alright there, I'll enjoy beating you on the Physics Test when you don't show"
Ben: "I'll be back LONG before then! JERK!"
(Ben turns and "swags" away from Wilson until Wilson turns his back then he sprints into an alley)
Ben (internal): "I hate lying to Wilson, but it can't be helped... I like my civies as much as the next guy, but sometimes, the hoodie is more comfortable, and closer to home"
(Ben leaps out of the alleyway and shoots a webline, revealing the SCARLET SPIDER to the reader)
(External) "Time to see what caused my spider-sense to flare!"
(cross panel with a SWIIISH lands on a lamppost)
Scarlet Spider: “Hm, what do we have here?”

Jewelry Store, Several Blocks Away, 7:35 AM
Robber 1: "Alright! We gotta get out of here before the cops show!"
Robber 2: "What's the rush? I thought you brought Shocker Tech with you"
Robber 1: "I did... I just can't guarantee it'll work"
Scarlet Spider: "Excuse me; I’m really happy for you…I’ll let you finish, but Shocker was one of the WORST VILLAINS OF ALL TIME!"
Robber 1: Spider-man!?
Scarlet Spider: "EVERY TIME! I mean SERIOUSLY, Spider-Man NEVER had the amount of swag I've got! I'm the SCARLET SPIDER! See? Scarlet body suit? Spider logo? Nothing?"
Scarlet Spider: Spider-man ALSO would have more TIME on his hands for this nonsense (jumps into the fray)
(Spin kicks and throws the second robber back into the store and sees the clock)
Scarlet Spider: "Time is just NOT on my side today!"
Robber 1: "I GOT HIM!" (Pulls out Shocker gauntlets and points them at Scarlet Spider, but nothing happens)
Scarlet Spider: "Seriously? That's it?" You guys thought that 20 year old tech, from a quilted northern style villain, would still work? (webs them up and hangs them from a lamp post) i knew you’d see it my way
Ben (internal): "Now that we've gotten that taken care of, I can go beat Wilson at what he knows best"

A Block and a Half Away 7:38 AM
(Ben swings over a walking Connor Parker)
Connor: “Now that’s something you don’t see everyday…”
(Connor runs into the alleyway and wallcrawls to the rooftop to follow the Scarlet Spider)
“Hey! Come on! HEY!!”
(The Scarlet Spider disappears from view)
“Damn… I wish I had webs… I gotta get to school”

Midtown High School, 7:52 AM 
(Ben comes running down the street and accidentally bumps into Connor and knocks him over)
Ben: "Sorry kid"
Connor: "How about you watch where you're going next time, jerk"
Ben: “Whoa, calm down kid, it was an accident”
Connor:  “That’s the third time in a week you’ve done that! Why don’t you come off that high and mighty upperclassman pedestal and finally hit me already!”
(A crowd begins to form around the two)
Ben: “Walk away now and we won’t have a problem here”
Random high school Jock (To Wilson): “$20 bucks the kid flattens Ben”
Wilson: “You’re on”
Connor: “What’s wrong? Don’t you wanna get your ass kicked by a puny underclassman?”
Ben: “Fine! Let’s do it your way!”
(Ben and Connor both leap towards each other, fists raised and ready for a fight)


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